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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
tolong dong bikinin contoh dialog repetition
Ungkapan 'Asking Repetition' adalah ungkapan yang digunakan ketika anda ingin meminta orang lain untuk mengulang apa yang telah diucapkan. Biasanya ini diminta karena ucapan/pernyataan/ungkapan orang tersebut kurang jelas atau kurang bisa ditangkap.
* Can you repeat again, please?
* Sorry? What did you say?
* Pardon?
* I beg your pardon?
* That's not quite clear to me.
Contoh dialog :
Gita : Sorry? what did you say?
Ina : Well. I'm talking about the plan for tomorrow. But it's so noisy here.
Gita : Okay. Let me turn the radio down, then we'll talk about that.
MAKASIH .......
Terimakasih atas pertanyaan anda.
Untuk mendapatkan contoh2 report text, silahkan buka di web Wikipedia melalui google. Anda bisa mendapatkan berbagai macam report text sesuai topik yang anda perlukan.
Kami akan membantu anda apabila anda masih mendapatkan kesulitan dalam memahami teks tersebut.
contoh report plan tentang tiger
Terimakasih atas pertanyaan anda.
Untuk mendapatkan contoh2 report text, silahkan buka di web Wikipedia melalui google. Anda bisa mendapatkan berbagai macam report text sesuai topik yang anda perlukan.
Kami akan membantu anda apabila anda masih mendapatkan kesulitan dalam memahami teks tersebut.
tolong saya dong contoh dialog repetition
Ungkapan 'Asking Repetition' adalah ungkapan yang digunakan ketika anda ingin meminta orang lain untuk mengulang apa yang telah diucapkan. Biasanya ini diminta karena ucapan/pernyataan/ungkapan orang tersebut kurang jelas atau kurang bisa ditangkap.
* Can you repeat again, please?
* Sorry? What did you say?
* Pardon?
* I beg your pardon?
* That's not quite clear to me.
Contoh dialog :
Gita : Sorry? what did you say?
Ina : Well. I'm talking about the plan for tomorrow. But it's so noisy here.
Gita : Okay. Let me turn the radio down, then we'll talk about that.
pak/bu tolong beri contoh cerita pengalaman yang mengandung adjective clause ya...
mBak Arfinerfanda, I give you a recount text with adjective clauses which I underline.
Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Smith Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there. After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy.
After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach. Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.
When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day.
aku minta tolong pak aku lemah banget bahasa inggris,
bagaimana ya caranya bisa bahasa inggris??
oh ia pak/bu saya minta dijelaskan untuk
simple past future perfect tense :
1.formula past future perfect tense
2.function of the tenses
3.adverb of forquency
4.adverb of time
5.state champs do/doesmohon bantuannya ya pak/bu
Mas Surahma Jaya, thanks for your questions. I'm sure you'll be good in English because you like learning English. Let me give you some suggestions in learning English:
1. Read English texts everyday, find difficult words from the texts.Then you can increase your vocabulary.
2. Listen to spoken English; you can listen to English song, English news broadcast.Then you can increase your pronunciation.
3. Speak English with your friends, teacher, or native speakers.
4. If you like reading, listening, and speaking I'm sure you are good in writing. Finally, you are good in English. Good luck.
Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense adalah Tenses yang terakhir dalam Bahasa Inggris, yaitu tenses yang ke enam belas. Dalam tata bahasa (Grammar) bahasa Inggris, Tenses ini juga dikenal sebagai Past Continuous Conditional. Untuk lebih jelasnya tentang Tenses ini silahkan lihat penjelasan di bawah.
tolong buatkan contoh report plan tentang animal????!
makasih sebelumnya,,,,,,,
Here is the example of report text.
A giraffe is a very tall animal. In fact, it is the tallest animal in the world.
A giraffe has a very long neck. Unfortunately, the giraffe cannot bend its neck easily. Thus, when it wants to drink water at a pool, the giraffe has to spread its front legs apart, so it can reach the water.
A giraffe feeds on plant only. Hence, it can reach the leaves on trees easily because of its height. Also, a giraffe has a very long tongue about 0.5 metres long. The giraffe uses this long tongue skillfully to pick leaves off plants and trees.
This tall animal can protect itself very well. It has a very good sense of smell and sight. It can hear very well, too. Finally, it can gallop very fast at a speed of 50 km.p.h.
The giraffe's hind legs and long neck are also very useful. For example, a giraffe can kick its enemy with its hind legs or even hit out with its long neck.
tolong kasih contoh dari expression of promising...
beserta responese nya , makasih
silakan adik kunjungi
pilih materi kelas XII
selamat belajar
mencari dialog tentang hesitation,repitition,certainty,uncertainty,amazement,announcement,attention,showattention tolong segera dibalas ibu atau bapak, penting banget
Here is the expression of 'AMAZEMENT''
Ian and Rudi have just arrived at the beachfront hotel.
Rudi : See, friend! This is the hotel I told you about. What do you think?
Ian : What a nice view! Look at that scenery. It;s so wonderful.
Rudi : You're right. I'm so amazed at that hilly land out there.
Ian : Well then. Let's arrange our stuff and start our great vacation.
Here is the expression of 'REPETITION and SHOW ATTENTION'
Aryo : Guess what? Hudson was eliminated last night.
Yudha : What? Can you repeat again?
Aryo : It was true! He was eliminated, you know.
Yudha : You must be kidding! He has a geat of full crazy fanatic fans!
Aryo : Yeach ... You know. That must be every fate should happen, just like such
Yudha : At least I'm proud of Hudson. He is so gentle and sportif.
Ika : Wait a minute, Ruri. Do you think it's the true route to get to Bona's house?
Ruri : Well. I doubt. I don't see the barber shop just around the corner. His house is somewhere behind the barbershop, as I remember.
Ika : Yes, I'm quite sure about that area. But everything is different now. How about asking for information to that man.
Ruri : All right.
Sorry, please try making other dialog by yourself. We'll help you to check your work. Thank you.
Ika : Wait a minute, Ruri. Do you think it's the true route to get to Bona's house?
Ruri : Well. I doubt. I don't see the barber shop just around the corner. His house is somewhere behind the barbershop, as I remember.
Ika : Yes, I'm quite sure about that area. But everything is different now. How about asking for information to that man.
Ruri : All right.
Sorry, please try making other dialog by yourself. We'll help you to check your work. Thank you.