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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
tolong buatkan soal dan pembahasannya
10 soal present tense
10 soal present progesif/ continues tense
10 soal present perfect tense
maaf klau kebanyakan, soalnya uda pusing banget,
tolong d jawab secepatnya . terima kasih
ini contoh present progresive:
Singular | Plural |
I am walking | we are walking |
you are walking | you are walking |
he/she/it is walking | they are walking |
Singular | Plural |
I am sleeping | we are sleeping |
you are sleeping | you are sleeping |
he/she/it is sleeping | they are sleeping |
Singular | Plural |
I am being | we are being |
you are being | you are being |
he/she/it is being | they are being |
Present Perfect Tense menekankan pada PERFECT nya itu. Perfect kan artinya “sempurna”. Bukan sempurna karena cantik seperti Gita Gutawa, tetapi sempurna yang berarti “selesai, sudah, beres, baru saja usai, dsb”. Jadi, kalau Anda menekankan pada “SUDAH” nya itu maka gunakanlah Present Perfect Tense ini. Contoh yang paling mengena misalnya: Dia baru saja pergi (She has just gone).
Rumusnya Present Perfect Tense begini: Positif: S + have/has + V3 Negatif: S + have/sas Not + V3 Tanya: Have/has + S + V3
Nah, setelah Subject (S) maka pakai “have” atau “has” sesuai pasangannya. Have dalam konteks ini artinya adalah: sudah, telah, barusan. Yang aneh dalam bahasa inggris Have + ES bukan Haves tetapi HAS. Jadi pasangannya begini:
He, She, It, John, Merry, Mufli : Has
You, We, They, Ellen and Budi: Have
Contoh Present Perfect Tense
Positif: She has gone (Dia baru saja pergi)
Negatif: She has not gone
Tanya: Has She gone?
Ingat, bukan She has go, bukan pula She has going, tidak pula She has goes. “Go” itu adalah kata kerja yang bentuk ketiganya adalah “gone”. Urutan perubahan bentuk kata kerja untuk Go adalah: Go-went-gone.
Contoh lainnya:
-I have written english lesson for 30 minutes
-You have read my lesson since 2 PM
Perhatikan perubahan kata kerja:
Write – wrote – written (berubah)
Read – read – read (lah kok sama? haha..)
Saya ulangi
-I have written english lesson for 30 minutes.
Saya telah menulis pelajaran bahasa inggris selama 30 menit.
Dalam kalimat diatas, ditekankan “telah” nya itu dan sekarang sudah beres, sudah tidak lagi menulis. Tetapi jika penekanan Anda pada “30 menit yang lalunya” maka Anda gunakan Past Tense yang lebih cocok.
Contoh lainnya lagi, kalimat positif:
-I have cleaned the floor
-He has drunk milk
-You have just broken the glass
Gimana kalimat negatifnya? He has not drunk milk! Anda coba yang dua lagi ya.
Kalimat Tanya dalam Present Perfect Tense ya tinggal dibalik mawon sesuai rumus diatas tadi. Ingat jangan lupa pasangannya untuk “Have” dan “Has”.
-Has She drunk milk? selamat belajar:
silakan klik
tolong carikan soal dan pembahasannya
10 soal present tense
10 soal progesive
10 soal past tense
tolong d jawab. terima kasih
untuk present dan progressive sudah terjawab,silakan cari di daftar jawaban.
Inti dari Past Tense adalah untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang telah “Lampau”. Lampau disini tak harus sudah lama-lama amat juga, pokoknya sudah berlalu, sudah lewat. Itulah penekanannya. Mungkin kemarin, satu jam lalu, 2 tahun lalu, 2 abad yang lalu, dan sebagainya. Semua itu sudah “Past”. Setelah membaca uraian ini Anda pasti faham lebih dalam. Pasang mata pasang telinga dan kuatkan niat ya, hehe..
Rumus Past Tense: Positif: S + V2 Negatif: S + did not + V1 Tanya: Did + S + V1
Ingat, V2 maksud saya adalah Kata Kerja atau Verb bentuk ke-2. Tentang kata kerja dapat Anda baca di Kata Kerja
Rumus Past Tense Rumit?
Benar! eh tidak, lanjutkan saja bacanya..
Anda resepkan dulu bahwa kata kerja bantu “DO” bentuk present DO, bentuk keduanya (Bentuk Past) adalah DID. Kalau Present kan: I do not… maka Past nya: I did not….
Yang barusan saya terangkan diatas tadi akan memudahkan Anda mempelajari Past Tense ini untuk Kalimat yang Negatif dan Kalimat Tanya. Ingat saja DO jadi DID. inga.. inga… hehe..
Contoh Kalimat Past Tense:
-I launched this blog on july 14th 2009
Saya meluncurkan atau launching blog ini tanggal 14 juli 2009.
Sudah lewat kan?
Kata kerjanya bentuk kedua “launched”, ini tergolong kata kerja beraturan, tinggal tambahkan ED di belakang launch.
jawablah soal soal dibawah ini:
1. I (goed /went / gone / ) to the mall after school. | ||
2. My brother ( seen / saw/ sees) a bear an hour ago. | ||
3. (Did /Are /Does ) Mike visit his grandmother last night? | ||
4. Alex did not ( work/ worked /working )_last weekend. | ||
5. (Was / Were / Are )Judy and Liz at last month’s meeting? | ||
6. We (were / was/ did ) not happy after the sad ending. | ||
7. (Are/ Did / Do ) you see Jody’s new dog yesterday? | ||
8. Sorry, I (wasn’t / didn’t? am not ) hear you at the door. | ||
9. I ( studying/ study / studied) English for two years. | ||
10. What (do/ did/ were) you eat for lunch yesterday? |
selamt sore pak/buk.saya di beri tugas oleh guru saya untuk memebuat kalimat direct/in direct speech 200 kalimat. saya baru menyelesaikannya sedikit, bisa tolong kirimkan kalimat-kalimat direct/indirect speech nya. tugas nya besok d kumpul. terimakasih
saya kasih contoh contohnya , silakan anda pelajari dan kemudian buat sendiri:
Present simple | › | Past simple She said it was cold. |
Present continuous She said, "I'm teaching English online." | › | Past continuous She said she was teaching English online. |
Present perfect simple She said, "I've been on the web since 1999." | › | Past perfect simple She said she had been on the web since 1999. |
Present perfect continuous She said, "I've been teaching English for seven years." | › | Past perfect continuous She said she had been teaching English for seven years. |
Past simple She said, "I taught online yesterday." | › | Past perfect She said she had taught online yesterday. |
Past continuous She said, "I was teaching earlier." | › | Past perfect continuous She said she had been teaching earlier. |
Past perfect She said, "The lesson had already started when he arrived." | › | Past perfect NO CHANGE - She said the lesson had already started when he arrived. |
Past perfect continuous She said, "I'd already been teaching for five minutes." | › | Past perfect continuous NO CHANGE - She said she'd already been teaching for five minutes. |
Modal verb forms also sometimes change:
Direct speech | Indirect speech | |
will She said, "I'll teach English online tomorrow." | › | would She said she would teach English online tomorrow. |
can | › | could She said she could teach English online. |
must She said, "I must have a computer to teach English online." | › | had to She said she had to have a computer to teach English online. |
shall She said, "What shall we learn today?" | › | should She asked what we should learn today. |
may She said, "May I open a new browser?" | › | might She asked if she might open a new browser. |
tolong kasih penjelasan tetntang penggunaan JUST dan ONLY
pada penyusunan kalimat berbahasa inggris.. sekalian kasih contohnyanya ya ka...:::
di tunggu...
I think "just" is to stop, while "only" is to exclude all but the following.
Think about it:
For example, 'It is just a table.' versus 'It is only a table.'
'just a scratch.' versus 'only a scratch.'
only a scratch indicates that's solely what it was - it wasn't a serious injury.
just a scratch suggests that it was simply a scratch and that's all you can call it.
'room for only one passenger' versus 'room for just one passenger'
'only just saw them' versus 'just only saw them'
tolong bikinin saya procedure text 5, tolong segera dijawab ya bpk/ ibu soalnya penting banget nih..
Maaf layanan ini disediakan untuk membantu kesulitan siswa SMP dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Kami sarankan anda untuk mencoba terlebih dahulu membuat procedure text. Apabila ada kesulitan silahkan kirimkan ke kami. Kami akan membantu menyempurnakannya.
Berikut contoh procedure text:
Read the text to answer questions 21 to 23
Ingredients: 2 tbsp. safflower oil 6 eggs, well beaten 1 cup mushroom 1 tbsp. soy sauce 1 cup chopped green onions 1 tsp. sea salt 1 cup chopped celery ¼ tsp. cayenne 1 cup bean sprouts Egg Fu Yung sauce Steps: - Heat large frying pan. - Add safflower oil and sauté vegetables. - Remove from heat. - Place in large bowl and add eggs, soy sauce, salt and cayenne. - Blend well. - Reheat pan and add 1 tbsp.oil. - Add a large spoonful of mixture at a time into greased frying pan. - Fry until brown on both sides, turning when necessary. - Serve Egg Fu Yung with its sauce or with brown gravy on top.
Selamat mencoba.
Saya kelas 9 smp Semarang
saya punya PR. Saya di suruh Guru saya mencari text Report Beserta Pertanyaannya dan jawabannya , saya kesusahan mencari itu di internet , bisa bantu saya ?? tolong , Terimakasih
Web Ini sangat membantu ^_^
Anda bisa mencari teks report dari internet melalui google, ketik kategori yang anda inginkan misalnya 'kangoroo', zoo, hospital, etc. Biasanya teks dari wikipedia cukup menarik dan simple. Silahkan ambil sejauh yang anda inginkan. Selamat mencoba.
saya minta tolong jelaskan perbedaan report dengan descriptive, kemudian jelaskan juga persamaan report dengan descriptive?
Perbedaan Teks Report dan Descriptive adalah sbb:
Descriptive text is a text which describes a particular person, place or thing.
The generic structure of this text is : Identification and Description
· Identification introduces who, where or what is being described.
- Description describes the characteristics, parts and qualities of the Subject
being described.
My Timmy, Jatim Park, My favourite teacher, Jurong bird park, etc.
Whereas Report text is a text which describes person, people, things in general way.
The generic structure is : General Identification and description.
Examples: Cat, Zoo, Hospital, Computer, etc.
The similar things between those two texts are on the language use of Simple present tense and in describing things as factual one. While the difference in on the participant of special (in descriptive text) and general classification (in report text).
Met sore bapak/ibu, saya diberi tugas sama guru untuk mencari explanation tex dan lexicogrammatical yang ada pada text tersebut. Saya mau bertanya lexicogrammatical itu apa ya bapak/ibu ?? Dan apa contoh explanation text serta mohon beri penjelasan lexicogrammatical yang ada pada explanation tersebut ?? Mohon di jawab secepatnya karena tugas ini saya butuhkan besok, 13 okt 2010.. Makasih atas jawabannya bapak/ibu
mbak Ghina, lexico adalah kosa kata, sedangkan grammatical adalah tata bahasa.Jadi yang dimaksud dengan lexicogrammatical adalah kosa kata yang menunjukkan tata bahasa, mis. tenses, conjunction, derivative.
Berikut contoh explanation text:
When fossil fuels, or other fuels, such as wood or peat, which contain carbon are burned, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Vehicles also give out, and so add, carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
The Earth’s atmosphere allows most of the Sun’s rays to pass through it to heat the Earth’s surface. The Earth reflects much of the heat energy back into the atmosphere, but much of this reflected radiation cannot escape because gases such as carbon dioxide absorb it. They grow warm and send heat radiation back to Earth. This is the greenhouse effect. Many scientists think that the greenhouse effect may change the climate, over the next 100 years or so. One consequence of soalled “global warming” resulting from the greenhouse effect could be melting of the polar ice – caps. This in turn, could lead to a rise in sea level which could flood large areas of highly populated coastal land.
If carbon dioxide proves to be as harmful as thought. In order to reduce carbon dioxide levels we need to reduce the amounts of carbon-rich fuels burned.
Text diatas terdapat beberapa lexicogrammatical, yaitu:
1. tenses. teks diatas menggunakan bentuk present tense (aktive dan passive), mis. carbon are burned, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere (kal. passive). The Earth’s atmosphere allows most of the Sun’s rays(kalimat aktiv)
2. conjunction. Text diatas juga terdapat kata penghububg (conjunction), mis. or, so, but.
3. derivative. mis. heat, radiation, scientists.
Tolong cariin pengertian,,tujuan,,dan contoh dari ekspresi mengusulkan dan ekspresi memohon... Cepat ya saya butuh malam ini,,makasih...
Anisa, beikut ini saya beikan contoh ungkapan memohon dan percakpan yang ada ungkapan memohon.
Asking someone to do something:
· Can you give me the book?
· Could you phone me at 7 o’clock?
· Would you mind repairing my watch?
· Do you think you could take me to the shop
· I wonder if you could write me an application letter?
B. Asking someone for something:
· Can I borrow your pen?
· Could I have a seat?
· Can’t I sit beside you?
· May I use your computer?
The expression to accept it:
All right
It’s a pleasure
The expression to refuse it:
I’m afraid, I ….. (give your reason).
I’m sorry, I can’t.
I’d like to, but…(give your reason).
Find the mistake in each of these dialogues and correct it.
1. A: Is alright if I close the window?
B: Yes, go ahead.
2. A: Do you think could you turn your music down?
B: Yes, of course, sorry.
3. A: Would you helping me with my suitcase?
B: I’m sorry, but I’ve got a bad back.
4. A: Could I pass the salt please?
B: Yes, here you are.
5. A: Can I speak to you for a minute?
B: Yes, I’m afraid so.
6. A: Will you to get me my glasses please?
B: Sure.
7. A: Do you mind I go now?
B: No, that’s fine. We’ve nearly finished.
8. A: Would you mind taking this book to the library?
B: Yes, I would. I’m going there anyway.
9. A: Could you possible hold my umbrella for a minute?
B: Of course.
10. A: Would you mind look after Jane for an hour?
B: I’m afraid I can’t. I’m just going out.
Read the situations and make the requests.
1. You want to pay by credit card.
2. You want to borrow your friend’s camera.
3. You didn’t hear what your classmate’s said. You want her to say it again.
4. You’ve written a letter in English. You want your teacher to check it.
5. You can’t hear what your flat mate is saying because of the radio. You want him to turn it down.
6. You need Rp. 50.000. You want your colleague to lend it to you.
7. You haven’t finished your essay. You want to give it to your teacher a day late.
8. You need to use your colleague’s computer.
9. Your friends asks you to go to the cinema with her. You can’t tell her until tomorrow.
10. You want to your friend to turn the light on.
Assistant : Good morning, Miss. Can I help you?
Tiara : Yes, please. I need a pair of shoes and also a pair of jeans.
Nana : And I want to buy a hat and dress.
Assistant : Oh….. You can find it there.
Tiara : Nana, come here! What do you think about this pair of jeans?
Nana : I think that it’s suitable for you.
Tiara : But, I don’t like the colour.
Nana : It seems that this one is suitable for you. This is blue! Your favourite colour.
Tiara : Yes, correct. I will take this one. And what about you?
Nana : Wait a moment. I’ll choose one of these hats.
Tiara : What colour do you want?
Nana : I want red colour.
Tiara : What about this red one?
Nana : This is very sweet. I’ll try it first.
Tiara : Where is the sitting room?
Assistant : The fitting room is at the corner.
Nana : Ok. Let’s go there.
pak/bu tolong buatin 20contoh expression sugestion !
saya harap secepatnya!
Please site
Wirastuti S.Pd M.Acc 12 Oktober 2010 0:0