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Sampaikan pertanyaan menganai kesulitan belajarmu kepada tim narasumber yang kompeten. Kamu harus login JSS terlebih dahulu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, klik di sini untuk login JSS
bingung neech tolong saya dkasih contoh teks discussion,procedure and hortatory
Into the Mouth of Babes
We are writing to you because we are concerned about the way food is being advertised to children.(This is called\\\'Thesis).
What we eat now affects our health in years to come. Bad dietary habits start while we are very young. For this reason, your government support health education that encourages a balanced healthy diet. Australians are encouraged to get the bulk of their nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain cereals, a lesser amount from foods high in fat, salt and sugar. (This is called 1st Argument).
TV advertising to children presents a completely different message. Nearly 80% of food advertising pushes fatty snacks or sweets - the very foods that should be eaten least. To make matter worse, these ads take up much of the advertising time. This must be stopped. ( This is called 2nd Argument).
TV advertising is powerful and influential. Parents, however strong-willed, find it hard to resit pressures created by this advertising. Children are least able to understand the tricks of the advertising industry.( This is called 3rd Argument).
For the hours when children are the main audience, TV advertising of foods must be made to reinforce, not undermine, the message about a balanced diet. We appeal to you, as Prime Minister, to take the lead in calling together the advertisers, TV networks, consumers and public health bodies to decide how this isn to be done.(This is called Recommendation).
The purpose is to present (at least) two points of view about an issue.
Generic Structure:
- Issue
- Arguments for and against or statement of differing points of view
- Conclusion or Recomendation
Gene Splicing
Genetic research has produced both exciting and frightening possibilities. Scientists are now able to create new forms of life in the laboratory due to the development of gene splicing
Arguments for
On the one hand, the ability to create life in the laboratory could greatly benefit mankind. For example, because it is very expensive to obtain insulin from natural sources, scientists have developed a method to manufacture it inexpensively in the laboratory.
Another beneficial application of gene splicing is in agriculture.
Scientists foresee the day when new plants will be developed using nitrigen from the air instead of form fertilizer. Therefore, food production could be increased. In addition, entirely new plants could be developed to feed the world\\\'s hungry people.
Argument against
Not everyone is excited about gene splicing, however some people feel that it could have terrible consequences. A laboratory accident, for example might cause an epidemic of an unknown disease that could wipe out humanity.
As a result of this controversy, the government has made rules to control genetics experiments. While some membersof the scientific community feel that these rules are too strict, many other people feel that they are still not strict enough.
Teks Prosedur adalah teks yang isinya mengenai langkah-langkah/step bagaimana membuat/ melakukan sesuatu.
Teks Procedure memiliki Generic Structure: Aim/Goal - Materials – Steps.
How to Plant a Flower.(Ini adalah Aim/Goal)
Materials and Tools:
A pail, a flower pot, a water dipper or water hose and a pair of gloves, soil and manure.
- Take a pail of soil from the backyard. Mix the soil and the manure.
- Put the mixture in the flower pot.
- Plant tha flower in the flower pot.
- Take some water using the water dipper. Sprinkle the plant
- Put a little soil around the plant.
Tenses yang digunakan adalah Simple Present dalam bentuk Imperative.
would you mind sharing me on how to teach english effectively and make the students joy and fun including your suggestion on what kind of preparations to reach it
Thanks for joining us in KBS.
In our opinion, as a teacher:
1.We must prepare the lessons (including RPP, Materials, Medias, Realia, etc) well.
Medias can attract the students attention, so we must be creative to find various medias related to the topics or text type.
2.During your teching learning process, it will be better if you give a little joke/game to refresh the situation.
3.We must explain the lessons as clear and brief as possible. (Use simple & interesting explanation and acceptable & various classroom languages).
4.A teacher is an actor in the classroom because all students will always look at their teachers, so we as a teacher should have a good performance and personality (kind, helpful, friendly, patient).
5.We, as teachers must be able to handle the class (good in classroom management),because it will influence our teaching process. If the classroom is convenient, the students will enjoy all class activities or our explanation. So, the class will be effective and the students will get much fun in their study.
It\'s just some of our experiences we\'ve done in the classroom. There are still many ways to reach it. Sorry, if it can\'t satisfy you. Wish you a great succes.
Best regards from KBS team.
Saya sangat membutuhkan sekali contoh hortatoty exposition, explanation, report. Mohon dibantu, saya sudah mencoba beberapa kali mencari tetapi saya sangat sulit menemukannya. Terima kasih.
Analitycal dan Hortatory:
Analitycal, the purpose is to pursuade the reader or listener that something is the case.
Hortatory, the purpose is to pursuade the reader or the listener that something should or should not be the case
Into the Mouth of Babes
We are writing to you because we are concerned about the way food is being advertised to children.(This is called\'Thesis).
What we eat now affects our health in years to come. Bad dietary habits start while we are very young. For this reason, your government support health education that encourages a balanced healthy diet. Australians are encouraged to get the bulk of their nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain cereals, a lesser amount from foods high in fat, salt and sugar. (This is called 1st Argument).
TV advertising to children presents a completely different message. Nearly 80% of food advertising pushes fatty snacks or sweets - the very foods that should be eaten least. To make matter worse, these ads take up much of the advertising time. This must be stopped. ( This is called 2nd Argument).
TV advertising is powerful and influential. Parents, however strong-willed, find it hard to resit pressures created by this advertising. Children are least able to understand the tricks of the advertising industry.( This is called 3rd Argument).
For the hours when children are the main audience, TV advertising of foods must be made to reinforce, not undermine, the message about a balanced diet. We appeal to you, as Prime Minister, to take the lead in calling together the advertisers, TV networks, consumers and public health bodies to decide how this isn to be done.(This is called Recommendation).
In Australia there are three levels of government, the federal government, state government and local government. All of these levels of government are necessary. This is so for a number of reasons. Argument 1:
First, the federal givernment is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and look after things like defence.
Argument 2
Similarity, the state governments look after the middle sized things. For example they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in schools.
Argument 3:
Finally, local governments look after the small things. They look after things like collecting rubish, otherwise everyone would have disease.
Thus, for the reasons above we can conclude that the three levels of government are necessary.
Teks Report adalah teks yang isinya mendeskripsikan sesuatu (binatang/barang/tempat2 umum, dll) secara umum
Contoh Teks Report
1) A library is a place which collects records of what people have thought and done.(Ini adalah General Classification).
It preserves those records, and it ,makes them available to us, so that we can learn about many things. In the world of library, we can entertain ourselves, teach ourselves, and be inspired by the ideas that we might never have dreamed of otherwise.(Ini adalah \'Description\')
A library has many sections. Commonly, a library has a reading room, a catalogue section, a newspaper and magazine section, books section, and a librarian desk which deals with book circulation. The books are classified based on the subjects, such as fiction, science, psychology, etc. They are arranged on the bookshelves.(Ini adalah \'Description\').
2) Whales are sea-living mammals.
They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and blue whale, which can exceed 30 cm in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure: its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). This is up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body fluids.
Teks Report memiliki Generic Structure: General Classification - Description.
Tenses yang digunakan adalah \'Present Tense\'.
tolong minta contoh hortatory exposition dong,,,
Into the Mouth of Babes
We are writing to you because we are concerned about the way food is being advertised to children.(This is called\'Thesis).
What we eat now affects our health in years to come. Bad dietary habits start while we are very young. For this reason, your government support health education that encourages a balanced healthy diet. Australians are encouraged to get the bulk of their nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain cereals, a lesser amount from foods high in fat, salt and sugar. (This is called 1st Argument).
TV advertising to children presents a completely different message. Nearly 80% of food advertising pushes fatty snacks or sweets - the very foods that should be eaten least. To make matter worse, these ads take up much of the advertising time. This must be stopped. ( This is called 2nd Argument).
TV advertising is powerful and influential. Parents, however strong-willed, find it hard to resit pressures created by this advertising. Children are least able to understand the tricks of the advertising industry.( This is called 3rd Argument).
For the hours when children are the main audience, TV advertising of foods must be made to reinforce, not undermine, the message about a balanced diet. We appeal to you, as Prime Minister, to take the lead in calling together the advertisers, TV networks, consumers and public health bodies to decide how this isn to be done.(This is called Recommendation).
materi yang keluar di UAN nanti tentang apa saja ya pak?
coba dhik info lengkap ada di
gmn cara na cara na supaya dpt skbm yg diharapkan bagi siswa? khusus na matematika!
Perlu melihat aturan-aturan yang ada. Antara lain Rata-rata siswa sebelumnya. Potensi siswa, sumber dana sekolah, esensial KD, kerumitan materi dan lain-lain. Jika Anda seorang guru, coba bertanya pada forum MGMP, bagaimana cara menghitung SKBM/ KKM khususnya Mapel Matematika
apakah waktu unnas peserta bisa menyontek?
Wah Kami G\' Tahu Dhik...he...he..he. Tapi sebaiknya Anda percaya pada diri Anda sendir, SMOGA SUKSES UN 2007
tolong jelaskan perbedaan descriptive,report,recount, ?
Teks report dan deskriptif memang hampir sama, tetapi mereka masing-masing berdiri sendiri. Untuk yg berhubungan jarang terjadi. Pasti salah satu saja yg dimunculkan.
Report dan deskriptif memiliki generic structure yg hampir sama yaitu : Identification - description. (untk deskriptif) dan general classification - description
Yg berbeda kalau report yg didiskripsikan sesuatu yg bersifat umum sedangkan descriptive mendeskripsikan satu benda/tempat/binatang secara spesifik
Contoh : Report : \'Mountain\' isi teksnya akan menjelaskan apa yg dimaksud dg gunung secara umum.
Descriptive : \' Mount Merapi\' isi teksnya menceritakan ttg gunung Merapi saja dan segala hal yg spesifik ttg gunung Merapi tsb.
Teks Recount adalah teks yang isinya tentang pengalaman2 atau kejadian2 yang terjadi pada waktu lampau.
Generic Structure: Orientation - Events – Reorientation.
I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side.
At first I thought a type had gone but that then I saw telegraph poles collapsing like matchsticks. The rocks came tumbling across the road and I had to abandon the car. There was an earthquake. When I got back to town, there wasn’t much left.
Dalam teks Recount, Generic Structure nya adalah: Orientation - Events - Reorientation.
Note: \'Event\' dalam teks Recount boleh satu atau lebih.
Dan \'Reorientation\' adalah optional(boleh ada boleh tidak)
Tenses yang digunakan selalu Past Tense
1. Apa perbedaan Spoof dan Recount Text dan tolong berikan contohnya?
2. Apa perbedaan Descriptive dan Report Text dan berikan contohnya? 3. Apa Generic Structure-nya Report dan Anecdote?
4. Apa \\\'tujuan utama\\\' dari masing-masing jenis teks?
Spoof dan recount pada dasarnya hampir sama,generic structurenya juga sama. Yang berbeda hanya endingnya. Untuk \'spoof\' endingnya tentang sesuatu yang lucu.
Perbedaan report dan descriptive teks:
Teks Report adalah teks yang isinya mendeskripsikan sesuatu (binatang/barang/tempat2 umum, dll) secara umum.
Whales are sea-living mammals. They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and blue whale, which can exceed 30 cm in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure: its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). This is up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body fluids.
Teks Report memiliki Generic Structure: General Classification - Description.
Tenses yang digunakan adalah \\\'Present
Report dan deskriptif memiliki generic structure yg hampir sama yaitu : Identification - description. (untk deskriptif) dan general classification - description Yg berbeda kalau report yg didiskripsikan sesuatu yg bersifat umum sedangkan descriptive mendeskripsikan satu benda/tempat/binatang secara spesifik.
Contoh : Report : \\\'Mountain\\\' isi teksnya akan menjelaskan apa yg dimaksud dg gunung secara umum. Descriptive : \\\' Mount Merapi\\\' isi teksnya menceritakan ttg gunung Merapi saja dan segala hal yg spesifik ttg gunung Merapi tsb.
RECOUNT Teks Recount adalah teks yang isinya tentang pengalaman2 atau kejadian2 yang terjadi pada waktu lampau.
Generic Structure: Orientation - Events – Reorientation.
I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side.
At first I thought a type had gone but that then I saw telegraph poles collapsing like matchsticks. The rocks came tumbling across the road and I had to abandon the car. There was an earthquake. When I got back to town, there wasn’t much left.
Dalam teks Recount, Generic Structure nya adalah: Orientation - Events - Reorientation.
Note: \\\'Event\\\' dalam teks Recount boleh satu atau lebih.
Dan \\\'Reorientation\\\' adalah optional(boleh ada boleh tidak)
Tenses yang digunakan selalu Past Tense.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd