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14 November 2007
nur lailah
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong dong bantu buat naskah pidato bahasa inggris dengan tema "when the global get a phobia about islam"



Untuk contoh pidato silakan buka menu bahasa Inggris di kasih.

14 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong kasih tahu contoh teks procedure! sekarang juga cz ntar mo ada ulangan!

Teks Procedure
Adalah teks yang isinya menyampaikan langkah - langkah atau cara - cara melakukan atau membuat sesuatu.
Generic structure:

- Aim/Goal

- Materials/Tools

- Steps/Methods

Contoh Teks Procedure:

How to make Popcorn crunch

- 1,5 cups of sugar wheat cereal
- 1 cup of golden syrup flaked almond
- 0,5 cup of butter     
- 8 cup of popcorn already pop
- 2 cups of puffed
- 1 cup of toasted
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla
- 0,75 teaspoon of cinnamon
Time: 10 minutes

How to make it:

Place sugar and golden syrup in a heatproof dish, stir and cook until sugar is dissolved (approximately four minutes on high).
Add butter and cook for six minutes.
While this is cooking, place popcorn, puff wheat cereal, and almonds into a separate bowl.
Add cinnamon and vanilla to golden syrup mixture, combine syrup with popcorn, cereal and almonds and spread over a lighty greased 25 cetimeters x 30 centimeters baking tray.
Allow to cool and then cut into pieces.
Store in an airtight container.

Selamat Belajar, semoga ulangan Anda sukses!


9 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

analitycal text beserta contoh dan pertanyaannya...


Contoh Analytical Exposition
(Statement of position):
I believe that you should always wear a hat at school when you are playing outside , to stop you from getting sunburn.<br>
(Argument 1):
Firstly, if you don’t wear a hat, you will get sunburn ant the sunburn is painful.
(Argument 2):
Secondly, sunburn could lead to skin cancer. Sunburn can lead to health problems later in life. Many older people suffer from skin cancer which can kill them.
(Reinforcement of position statement):
In my opinion all school students should wear hats.

8 November 2007
Sekar Tali Asmoro
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Tolong dong aku masih bingung antara Report text dengan Descriptive text dan berikan contohnya ya trims !!

1. Teks Descriptive


Adalah teks yang isinya mendiskripsikan sesuatu/ seseorang secara spesifik.

Generic structurenya: Identification - Description

Identification berisi: Identifikasi tentang topik yang akan dideskripsikan,

Misalnya: I have many pets, but my favourite one is a cat.

Description berisi: deskripsi rinci tentang bagian - bagiannya, misalnya tentang physical appearance (ciri - ciri fisik), sifat - sifatnya (characteristics)dll.

Tenses yang digunakan : Present tense.


Contoh: 'ISSIS' Cafe.

'ISSIS' is Javanese word meaning ‘cool’. So, besides the food, ISSIS Café offers a spacious, fully air-conditioned, cozy place.

Located at Jl. Cilacap No. 8, Jakarta Pusat, ISSIS Café is famous for its European food, especially steak, barbecue ribs, salad, and soup. You might find this kind of food anywhere else, but there is no other place that offers great meals at better prices than ISSIS Café.

You can enjoy a delicious imported sirloin steak for only Rp. 25,000 and ice cappuccino for only Rp. 5,500. There is also a salad bar with eight different vegetables. You can make your own salad which you can eat as much as you like, for only Rp. 12,000. The customers are mostly college students, office workers, and families.<br>

2. Definisi Teks Report yaitu menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu, apa adanya, sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau analisis, maka sebelum Anda menulis teks Report, Anda harus melakukan pengamatan sistematis. Yang  Anda deskripsikan bisa meliputi gejala alam, lingkungan, benda buatan manusia, atau gejala- gejala sosial. Deskripsi sebuah teks report dapat berupa simpulan umum misalnya tentang rumah sederhana dengan mendekripsikan ciri-ciri subyek tersebut sehingga layak dikategorikan rumah sederhana, dsb.


Ciri Kebahasaan dalam teks Report:<br>

-           general nouns, seperti ‘Reptiles in Comodo Insland’.

-           relating verbs untuk menjelaskan ciri, misalnya reptiles are scaly animals (ciri ini berlaku untuk semua reptilia).

-           action verbs dalam mejelaskan perilaku, misalnya lizards cannot fly.

-           present tense untuk menyatakan suatu yang umum, misalnya Komodo dragons usually weight more than 160 kg.

-           istilah teknis, misalnya water contains oxygen and hydrogen.

-           paragraf dengan topik sentence untuk menyusun sejumlah informasi.


Contoh Teks REPORT:



General Classification: <br>

Goannas are large Australian lizards which belong to the reptile family.<br>


8 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

saya mau tanya,kalau mau mencari contoh-contoh text bahasa inggris explanation bisa di te

mukan di mana ya?

silahkan anda membuka arsip jawaban, karena pertanyaan serupa telah dijawab. terima kasih.

8 November 2007
yusti ratnasari
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9


jenis teks apa atau genre text yg manakah yang PALING menarik bagi siswa untuk dipelajari dan membuat siswa antusias mempelajarinya?? Apa tujuannya kita mempelajari teks tersebut dan apa sajakah keuntunganya dan kekurangannya bagi siswa?

terima kasih atas jawabannya..


Sebenarnya semua teks menarik untuk disampaikan asalkan cara penyampaiannya juga dibuat semenarik mungkin.Namun secara umum jenis teks yang diminati siswa adalah teks naratif.Karena tujuan teks naratif adalah untuk menghibur pembaca/pendengar.Tujuannya untuk mengenal dan memahami berbagai jenis teks karena
kurikulum bahasa Inggris sekarang ini memakai pendekatan teks (text-based approach).Ada banyak keuntungan dalam memahami berbagai teks tersebut karena saat ini peserta didik/pendidik dituntut untuk bisa menulis dengan baik dan benar.
Saat ini belum nampak adanya kekurangan dari mempelajari teks.

7 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9


mau tanya, pokok bahasan b inggris kls 11 apa aja? soalnya di kelas aku kelas b ing dibagi per tingkatan kemampuan. ky begginner, intermediet, dst... plz ya...


Semester I

Transactional and Interpersonal :

-          menyampaikan pendapat,

-          meminta pendapat,

-          menyatakan puas,

-          menyatakan tidak puas

-          menasehati,

-          memperingatkan,

-          meluluskan permintaan,  

-          menyatakan perasaan relief, pain, dan pleasure


-          reports,

-          narrative,

-          analytical exposition


Short Functional Text :

-          banner,

-          poster,

-          pamphlet, dll.


Semester II

Transactional and Interpersonal :

-          menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu,

-          menyatakan perasaan cinta,

-          menyatakan perasaan sedih

-          menyatakan perasaan malu,

-          menyatakan perasaan marah,

-          menyatakan perasaan jengkel


-          narrative,

-          spoof

-          hortatory exposition

Untuk Language Function (Structure), diserahkan ke sekolah masing – masing, menyesuaikan jenis teks yang ada.


5 November 2007
Matematika Kelas 9

tolong kasih contoh text descriptive donk dan jelaskan pengertiannya...makasih ya...

Descriptive adalah teks yang isinya tentang Pengenalan benda, orang atau sesuatu yang akan dideskripsikan

Tujuan Komunikatif :  Mendiskripsikan sesuatu atau seseorang secara spesifik / detail.

Struktur Teks:Identification-description(s)
Ciri-ciri  Deskripsi: menggambarkan ciri-ciri benda tersebut,misalnya berasal dari mana, warnanya, ukurannya, kesukaannya dsb. Deskripsi ini hanya memberikan informasi mengenai benda atau orang tertentu yang sedang dibahas saja, misalnya deskripsi tentang ‘My friend'

Contoh 1:
Hi friends! This is my friend Miranda. She comes from Sulawesi. She was born in Makasar on June 12, 1980.
Her hobbies are singing and swimming. She also likes planting flowers very much. She lives at 12 Jalan Jaya. She lives together with her parents and two sisters. They are Mr. and Mrs Yudhatama, Sherina and Tiara.
Miranda studies at SMP 7. Her older sister is in the first year of SMA, and Tiara is still in SD. They all love one another

Contoh 2:
My Uncle Martin is my mother’s elder brother. He is my favorite among my mother’s brothers. He is a very interesting man. He lives quite near us with my Aunt Angela and my cousins Anne and Bob. I often go to his house.
He is about 45 with grey hair. He is still quite good-looking. He is tall and wel-built. He has blue eyes and a strong face. He wears glasses. He is short sighted. He takes them off when he doesn’t work.
Uncle Martin is a textile engineer. He works for a big firm in the city. He travels widely in his job. He is an expert in solving problems with machines. At present, he is in the United States. He is visiting the firm’s customers there.
He is very fond of the sea. He has at the seaside. He goes there every wekend in summer to sail it. I sometimes stay with my cousins at their house on the coast. When Uncle Martin is at home, he usually takes us out in the boat.


5 November 2007
Matematika Kelas 9

contoh text narative juga sekalian dikasih tau ya...makasih...

Contoh Teks Narrative
Malin Kundang 

            Once upon time, there was a boy named Malin Kundang. He lived with his mother in a very poor condition. They looked fire wood in the forest nearly to make a living. Malin Kundang was so unsatisfied with their bad luck. That’s why he decided to go to another city to look for a better life.

            Not long afterwards, Malin asked his mother’s permission to go to a big city. He promised to come back soon with much money. His mother permitted him and always prayed for him. In his journey, Malin Kundang joined a merchant in a big ship.

            Actually, Malin was a diligent boy. He worked hard to get much money and everything changed. He became a rich merchant. His business partner asked him to marry  his daughter. Malin agreed. Then Malin and his business partner’s daughter got married. They had honeymoon and traveled all over the world.      

            Many years later, Malin’s ship anchored in his village. Many villagers welcome his arrival and admired his glorious ship. Furthermore, they wanted to see his success. Malin’s mother heard that her son had come back. She was very glad and eager to see him. With a happy smile in her lips, she went to the seashore to meet her son. Do you know what happened when she met Malin? He pretended that he didn’t know her. Of course she was very very sad and disappointed.

            In her desperation she cried to God to punish Malin. She cursed Malin Kundang and his ship to be a stone. Since then, people can see the big stone in the


5 November 2007
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong donk kasih tau contoh text descriptive

Contoh text descriptive :

Contoh: 'ISSIS' Cafe.

'ISSIS' is Javanese word meaning ‘cool’. So, besides the food, ISSIS Café offers a spacious, fully air-conditioned, cozy place.

Located at Jl. Cilacap No. 8, Jakarta Pusat, ISSIS Café is famous for its European food, especially steak, barbecue ribs, salad, and soup. You might find this kind of food anywhere else, but there is no other place that offers great meals at better prices than ISSIS Café.

You can enjoy a delicious imported sirloin steak for only Rp. 25,000 and ice cappuccino for only Rp. 5,500. There is also a salad bar with eight different vegetables. You can make your own salad which you can eat as much as you like, for only Rp. 12,000. The customers are mostly college students, office workers, and families.




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