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6 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Tlg y dbenerin kalimatku Western countries (has/have) four seasons. Ini bacany gmn:caused;cancerous;longer.thaks y...

Western countries have four seasons.

Kita menggunakan have/has tergantung pada subyeknya.

Jika subyeknya singular (tunggal: she, he, it, dan nama orang/benda/tempat yang jumlahnya hanya satu, misalnya Dewa, My bag, Yogyakarta), maka diikuti has.


- Bobby has much money.

- My new bike has three wheel.

- Yogyakarta has a lot of tourist objects. 

Sedangkan have kita gunakan jika subyeknya (I, You They, We, dan subyek yang jumlahnya lebih dari 1<jamak>, seperti: The students, Bobby and Rani, Western countries, Cars, etc)


- They have many pets at home.

- The students have many reading books 

- Cars have special four wheels 

Untuk pronunciation dari kata:

1. Caused /ko:zd/

2. Cancerous /'kænsərəs/ 

3. Longer /lαŋgə(r)/

Semoga jelas dan selamat belejar!

Kalau kurang jelas tentang pronunciation, silakan Anda hubungi 0274-583360 pada jam on line (Senin, Rabu, Jumat jam 19.00 - 21.30)

Terima Kasih 



6 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong karangan recount 1 halaman!!!

Mohon maaf, TIM KBS tidak menerima pembuatan tugas (karangan/teks/pidato). Kalau Anda mau melihat contoh sebagai referensi, silakan Anda buka Menu Utama, Bahasa Inggris.

Terima Kasih 


5 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

good afternoon...

would you please help me to correct my essay and give revision if I have any mistakes?

here is my esay:






Today’s child will be a man of tomorrow. It means that teacher has an important role in students’ life. Teacher must be a symbol of a kindness and love to prepare the students to become valuable assets for the country. Tragically, nowadays’ news show us maltreatment to students by teachers. It causes refusal of students’ to go to school. And soon, education in our country will become worst. So, how to solve this problem? The answer is by being a good teacher who is loved by students. To be a good teacher, one must have background knowledge, ability of managing class and teachable heart.


First, a good teacher must have background knowledge. He must have a good knowledge of his subjects, must be well prepared and interested in it and at the same time open-minded for other topics. Those things will make the students able to get the knowledge easily. Then, teacher must know well about the methods and techniques of teaching and always think to improve it. He also has to know well about psychology of children because teacher is not only teaching but also understanding the students’ psyche.


Second, a good teacher must have ability of managing class. He has classroom rules and procedures to obey by students, not to make the class’ atmosphere stiffly, but to make it pleasant. Then, he disciplines himself before anyone else. He arrives in time to start a lesson and ends it in time. He should be active and smart in classroom. He doesn’t dictate what is written on the book or the curriculum but he answers the needs of pupils and not only the needs of chosen program. He shows the whole wide world to the students.


Having a teachable heart is the third point that teacher has to. A good teacher is using his heart in teaching. He must have motherly love with the students. He should be lovely and know the children personally in order to help them with their problems. He has to be patient, understand how children act and remember how it was when he was a child. Then, teacher has to treat all pupils like his own children and answers all question even if they are really complicated. In other hand, a teacher also has to be strict, self-confident and shows authority, but at the same time he has to be the pupils’ “helper” and be like their friend who they can talk to if problems occur.


In summary, if all teachers have all above, the students will love their school and all problems that occur are easy to handle. There is a saying “Give me a fish and I eat for a day, teach me to fish and I eat for a life time”. This must be a philosophy of a good teacher. Teaching is not to give one a worthy thing but to give one a worthy way to make a simple thing.



please give me a soon as possible...thanks

with all respect,



your essay is great. I think your teacher will be glad reading this.I find no important mistakes , so its good

5 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tolong periksa essay saya ya...







Today’s child will be a man of tomorrow. It means that teacher has an important role in students’ life. Teacher must be a symbol of a kindness and love to prepare the students to become valuable assets for the country. Tragically, nowadays’ news show us maltreatment to students by teachers. It causes refusal of students’ to go to school. And soon, education in our country will become worst. So, how to solve this problem? The answer is by being a good teacher who is loved by students. To be a good teacher, one must have background knowledge, ability of managing class and teachable heart.


First, a good teacher must have background knowledge. He must have a good knowledge of his subjects, must be well prepared and interested in it and at the same time open-minded for other topics. Those things will make the students able to get the knowledge easily. Then, teacher must know well about the methods and techniques of teaching and always think to improve it. He also has to know well about psychology of children because teacher is not only teaching but also understanding the students’ psyche.


Second, a good teacher must have ability of managing class. He has classroom rules and procedures to obey by students, not to make the class’ atmosphere stiffly, but to make it pleasant. Then, he disciplines himself before anyone else. He arrives in time to start a lesson and ends it in time. He should be active and smart in classroom. He doesn’t dictate what is written on the book or the curriculum but he answers the needs of pupils and not only the needs of chosen program. He shows the whole wide world to the students.


Having a teachable heart is the third point that teacher has to. A good teacher is using his heart in teaching. He must have motherly love with the students. He should be lovely and know the children personally in order to help them with their problems. He has to be patient, understand how children act and remember how it was when he was a child. Then, teacher has to treat all pupils like his own children and answers all question even if they are really complicated. In other hand, a teacher also has to be strict, self-confident and shows authority, but at the same time he has to be the pupils’ “helper” and be like their friend who they can talk to if problems occur.


In summary, if all teachers have all above, the students will love their school and all problems that occur are easy to handle. There is a saying “Give me a fish and I eat for a day, teach me to fish and I eat for a life time”. This must be a philosophy of a good teacher. Teaching is not to give one a worthy thing but to give one a worthy way to make a simple thing.



saya kesulitan buat cari jawaban di forum ini,jadi bisa tidak tanggapan yang Bpk/Ibu berikan atas pertanyaan saya ini dikirim ke e-mailsaya di

saya tunggu ya...

terima kasih

with all respect,



sudah dijawab

5 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tolong periksa essay saya ya...







Today’s child will be a man of tomorrow. It means that teacher has an important role in students’ life. Teacher must be a symbol of a kindness and love to prepare the students to become valuable assets for the country. Tragically, nowadays’ news show us maltreatment to students by teachers. It causes refusal of students’ to go to school. And soon, education in our country will become worst. So, how to solve this problem? The answer is by being a good teacher who is loved by students. To be a good teacher, one must have background knowledge, ability of managing class and teachable heart.


First, a good teacher must have background knowledge. He must have a good knowledge of his subjects, must be well prepared and interested in it and at the same time open-minded for other topics. Those things will make the students able to get the knowledge easily. Then, teacher must know well about the methods and techniques of teaching and always think to improve it. He also has to know well about psychology of children because teacher is not only teaching but also understanding the students’ psyche.


Second, a good teacher must have ability of managing class. He has classroom rules and procedures to obey by students, not to make the class’ atmosphere stiffly, but to make it pleasant. Then, he disciplines himself before anyone else. He arrives in time to start a lesson and ends it in time. He should be active and smart in classroom. He doesn’t dictate what is written on the book or the curriculum but he answers the needs of pupils and not only the needs of chosen program. He shows the whole wide world to the students.


Having a teachable heart is the third point that teacher has to. A good teacher is using his heart in teaching. He must have motherly love with the students. He should be lovely and know the children personally in order to help them with their problems. He has to be patient, understand how children act and remember how it was when he was a child. Then, teacher has to treat all pupils like his own children and answers all question even if they are really complicated. In other hand, a teacher also has to be strict, self-confident and shows authority, but at the same time he has to be the pupils’ “helper” and be like their friend who they can talk to if problems occur.


In summary, if all teachers have all above, the students will love their school and all problems that occur are easy to handle. There is a saying “Give me a fish and I eat for a day, teach me to fish and I eat for a life time”. This must be a philosophy of a good teacher. Teaching is not to give one a worthy thing but to give one a worthy way to make a simple thing.



saya kesulitan buat cari jawaban di forum ini,jadi bisa tidak tanggapan yang Bpk/Ibu berikan atas pertanyaan saya ini dikirim ke e-mailsaya di

saya tunggu ya...

terima kasih

with all respect,



dah di jawab

5 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong dong kasih tau contoh teks anouncement?


Contoh teks pengumuman di stasiun kerete api.

Attention, please.

The departure of Argo Dwipangga train from Solo to Jakarta will be delayed for an hour due to a small technical problem. We are sorry for the inconveniences. Thank you.


Contoh teks pengumuman di sekolah

For all the class chairmen

We will have a meeting on Sunday at 10.00 am-12.00 am in Class 8A. We’d like to discuss our plan about Class Meeting next week. Please, come on time.

                                    Chairman of OSIS




5 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Tolong kasih contoh text hortatory exposition buat pidato, durasinya minimal 4menit. Please! Tinggal 3hari lagi nih. Smga kbaikan anda dblz Allah Swt. Tolong yaw, scpat2ny


5 April 2008
Matematika Kelas 9

aduh,, aqu gak ngerti tentang persamaan garis . bisa tolong ajarin dari dasar?

Hal-hal penting dalam persamaan garis lurus sbb:

1. gradien garis (m): yaitu bilangan yg menyatakan   

    besarnya arah garis tsb.

    Rumusnya: a)  m = (y2 - y1) : (x2 - x1), jika melalui 2

                             titik (x1, y1) dan (x2 - y2). 

                    b) m = y/x ; jika melalui titik pangkal (0,0)

                                       dan tiitk (x,y)

                   c) m = -a/b; jika diketahui persamaan garis

                              dalam bentuk ax + by + c = 0; dimna

                               a=koefisien x;  b = koefisien y.


Untuk garis-garis yang saling sejajar  mempunyai gradien(m) sama besar.    Contoh: Jika garis k bergradien m1; garis l bergradien m2; garis n bergradien m3 ketiga garis saling sejajar, maka m1=m2=m3. 

 Untuk garis yang saling tgak lurus gradiennya saling berlawanan tanda dan berkebalikan. Misal garis k bergradien m1 tegak lurus dengan garis l bergradien m2, maka m1 = -1/m2  atau m2 = -1/m1.

2) Persamaan garis.

     a) jika melalui titik pangkal dan tiitk (x,y), rumusnya

          y = mx.  dengan m = y/x .

     b) jika melalui titik (x1,y1) dan (x2,y2), maka rumus

         (y - y1):(y2 - y1) = (x - x1):(x2 - x1)

     c) Jika melalui titik (x1,y1) dan bergradien m, maka

         rumusnya  y - y1 = m(x - x1)

 Demikian semoga puass.




Drs. Sudarsono, M.Ed

5 April 2008
Matematika Kelas 9

aduh,, aqu gak ngerti tentang persamaan garis . bisa tolong ajarin dari dasar?

Hal-hal penting dalam persamaan garis lurus sbb:

1. gradien garis (m): yaitu bilangan yg menyatakan   

    besarnya arah garis tsb.

    Rumusnya: a)  m = (y2 - y1) : (x2 - x1), jika melalui 2

                             titik (x1, y1) dan (x2 - y2). 

                    b) m = y/x ; jika melalui titik pangkal (0,0)

                                       dan tiitk (x,y)

                   c) m = -a/b; jika diketahui persamaan garis

                              dalam bentuk ax + by + c = 0; dimna

                               a=koefisien x;  b = koefisien y.


Untuk garis-garis yang saling sejajar  mempunyai gradien(m) sama besar.    Contoh: Jika garis k bergradien m1; garis l bergradien m2; garis n bergradien m3 ketiga garis saling sejajar, maka m1=m2=m3. 

 Untuk garis yang saling tgak lurus gradiennya saling berlawanan tanda dan berkebalikan. Misal garis k bergradien m1 tegak lurus dengan garis l bergradien m2, maka m1 = -1/m2  atau m2 = -1/m1.

2) Persamaan garis.

     a) jika melalui titik pangkal dan tiitk (x,y), rumusnya

          y = mx.  dengan m = y/x .

     b) jika melalui titik (x1,y1) dan (x2,y2), maka rumus

         (y - y1):(y2 - y1) = (x - x1):(x2 - x1)

     c) Jika melalui titik (x1,y1) dan bergradien m, maka

         rumusnya  y - y1 = m(x - x1)

 Demikian semoga puass.

Drs. Sudarsono, M.Ed

5 April 2008
Ryan, Malang
Matematika Kelas 8

sejumlah siswa kelas 8a memasuki ruang komputer. Karena terbatasnya komputer, maka guru membuat aturan bahwa setiap 1 komputer untuk 3 siswa. Ternyata masih ada 3 siswa yang belum kebagian komputer. Sehingga guru membuat aturan, bahwa setiap 1 komputer untuk 4 siswa. Akibatnya 2 komputer tidak dipergunakan. Tentukan banyak siswa dan banyak komputer!

Disertai cara pengerjaan!

Halo Ryan maaf ya terlambat... semoga skra sdh klas 9, kami tunggu soal yang lain..

Coba kamu misalkan Jumlah komputer adalh y dan jumlah siswa adalah x kemudian buat persamaannya

y = ( x/3) - 1 dan y= (x/4) +2  Pakailah substitusi untuk menyelesaikan sistem persamaan tersebut

y1 = y2

(x/3)-1 = (x/4)+2 keduaa ruas kalikan dengan 12 maka

4x - 12 = 3x + 24

4x-3x = 24 +12

x = 36

y= (x/3)-1

y= (36/3)-1

y= 12-1

y= 11

jadi Jumlah siswa klas 8a adalh 36 siswa dan jumlah komputer adalah 11 buah. 



Drs. Sudarsono, M.Ed


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