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14 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

kak tolong dong ? buatin contoh hortatory tp skalian gambar siee. . .  kalo kakak boleh+mau.....

Mohon maaf, kami Tim KBS tidak melayani pembuatan tugas. Kalau Anda ingin mencari contoh , silakan Anda masuk ke Menu Utama halaman ini, dan klik Bahasa Inggirs, ketik kata kunci yang Anda inginkan. Terima kasih.


14 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

cara cepat mambaca tetapi tidak ada kesalahan itu bagimana?

Untuk peningkatan kecepatan membaca, Anda harus sering berlatih terutama pada Pronunciation (pengucapan), intonation (tekanan kata),
dan juncture (untuk koma harus diberi jeda , kalau titik harus berhenti, dst.)

Sering - seringlah menonton berita berbahasa Inggris, misalnya Metro TV (English News Service). 


M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

14 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

cara cepat mambaca tetapi tidak ada kesalahan itu bagimana?

Untuk peningkatan kecepatan membaca, Anda harus sering berlatih terutama pada Pronunciation (pengucapan), intonation (tekanan kata),
dan juncture (untuk koma harus diberi jeda , kalau titik harus berhenti, dst.)

Sering - seringlah menonton berita berbahasa Inggris, misalnya Metro TV (English News Service). 


M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd

14 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

ehmmm tolong minta contoh teks discussion ya,,,

klo bs skarang juga??? 

dear nurjamil,

Anda bisa membuak buku pelajaran, misalnya Look Ahead, dll. Atau silahkan buka arsip jawaban kami. Thanks


14 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

ehmmm tolong minta contoh teks discussion ya,,,

klo bs skarang juga??? 


14 April 2008
mufthi dari ciparay
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

duhhh, tolong minta contoh discussion teks!!!please


Dear Mufthi,

Pertanyaan/permintaan contoh teks discussion sudah pernah kami jawab/penuhi. Silahkan buka arsip jawaban kami. Trims


14 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

duh minta contoh teks discussion???

please,cz da tgs nich??

skalian sama penjelasannya biar saya ngerti!!! 


The function of the text is to present (at least) two points of view about an issue.

The generic structure of this text is: issue, arguments for and against or statements of differing points of view, conclusion or recommendations.

 This text has the similar language features as anal;ytical exposition.



By Kerry Williams

There was a lot of disscusion about whether boxing should be banned.

The  people who agree with this idea, such as Sarah, claim that if they do carry on boxing they should wear something to protect their heads. They also argue that people who do boxing could have brain damage and get seriously hurt. A further point they make is that most of the people that have died did have families.

However, there are also strong arguments againts this point of view. Another group of people believe that boxing should not be banned. They say that why they ivent it if is a dangerous sport. They say that boxing is a good sport, people enjoy it. A furthermore reason is if they ban boxing it will ruin people’s careers.

After looking at the different points of view and the evidence for them i think boxing should be banned because five hundred people have died in boxing since 1884.

 * Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan bertanya ke tingkat/ kelas SMA

14 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong berikan saya contoh narative text lengkap dengan artinya

Mohon maaf, kami Tim KBS tidak melayani pembuatan tugas. Kalau Anda ingin mencari contoh Narrative, silakan Anda masuk ke Menu Utama halaman ini, dan klik Bahasa Inggirs, ketik kata kunci yang Anda inginkan. Terima kasih.


14 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong berikan saya contoh narative text lengkap dengan artinya

Mohon maaf, kami Tim KBS tidak melayani pembuatan tugas. Kalau Anda ingin mencari contoh Descriptive, silakan Anda masuk ke Menu Utama halaman ini, dan klik Bahasa Inggirs, ketik kata kunci yang Anda inginkan. Terima kasih.


14 April 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

TOlong buatkan contoh narative text berikut dengan artinya.

Terima kasih Bantuannya 

 Here is the example of narrative text, but sorry I suggest you to translate into Indonesian first, then show us. We will help you to correct it. OK?

NARRATIVEIt was a warm day in March. I was very excited. The day had finally come. I was in the rowing team for the Olympics. I got up very early and exercised as always. Then after breakfast I drove to Drummoyne. My team arrived and at last it was time to start.Ready, set and the starting gun went off. We began in the third position and were slowly moving closer. There they were. We could see the second boat and then we did it.We moved past. My arms were aching. My whole body was sore but we all rowed harder.The first boat was just in front  I saw a dark shadow near the boat. I looked again. What was it? I was sure  it was the shape of a cigar. ‘Oh my  God’,  I thought, ‘I must be seeing things. A shark in Parramata River? Impossible!’Just then I pulled my oar out of the water. ‘Oh no, why only half?’ I thought. Then I knew. I shouted to my team, ‘Shark! Shark!’ and suddenly we forgot the race. We rowed faster than ever back to shore. We made it. Phew, we were safe! 


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