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13 September 2008
Matematika Kelas 9

volume bola + v. Tabung dg jari2 13,45 cm, dan tinggi tbung 89,76?

Trims atas partisipasinya, 

V bola + V tb = 4/3πr3 + πr2t

            = 4/3x3,14x(13,45)3 + 3,14x(13,45)2x89,76

            = 10186,7 + 50986,7

            = 61173,4 

Jadi volume bangun tersebut = 61173,4 cm3


Drs. Sudarsono, M.Ed

13 September 2008
Matematika Kelas 9

Tolong jelaskan dri mana dan Bagaimana rumus luas permukaan limas dan prisma bisa didapat?

Rumus luas permukaan  prisma  =  2x luas alas +  Kel.alas x tinggi 

Rumus luas permukaan limas = luas alas + jumlah luas sisi tegak.

luas alas limas dan prisma tergantung dari bentuk bangun datar tsb. 

Murni Kusumawati, S.Pd

13 September 2008
Matematika Kelas 9

Bagaimana rumus luas permukaan limas dan prisma bisa didapat? Yang lengkap yach. Trim\'s

Pertanyaan Anda sudah dijawab silahkan lihat di halaman matematika

13 September 2008
Matematika Kelas 9

Bagaimana rumus luas permukaan limas dan prisma bisa didapat? Yang lengkap yach. Trim\'s

Pertanyaan Anda sudah dijawab silahkan lihat di halaman matematika

13 September 2008
Matematika Kelas 9

Bagaimana rumus luas permukaan limas dan prisma bisa didapat? Bersama cthnya yach.. Thank\'z

Pertanyaan Anda sudah dijawab silahkan lihat di halaman matematika

12 September 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tolong carikan a review text sama structure nya.oC THX SAYA TUNGGU.TRIMSSSS.MUACHHH.kalau bisa hari ini.oc.thankyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu dua ya.thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. pliz help me. ^^

struckturing the product 
Product reviewing has attracted many blogger. Besides Pay per Click program, reviewing has appeared as top choice for blogger in earning online. Writing review is lucrative source for blogger. In one side, writing review can make rich content of the blog. Of course it has to be suitable or arranged to suit the niche of the blog. In the second side, blogger can get earning from that content.

Review is one of text genres. This classification of text types is commonly based on the structure which used by the writer to compose his text. Each text type will have different form of generic structure. As I said in my previous post, review text usually has generic structure as:

Introduction: it is the highlight of the general description about what will be reviewed. It can be product, services which want to be sold, or just a site which want to be known publicly. Then it will drive more traffic into the site.

Evaluation: the second phase is coming inside into the product in details. It states the parts, uniqueness, quality of the product which will be known publicly. However too much detail description will “teach” the will-buyer and it does not sound good. Evaluating as far as necessary for the targeted buyer is more genuine. The term of evaluation will not be far from simple word of good or bad. In this phase reviewer will apply much evaluative word, valuable, useful, worthy, etc.

Interpretation: after writing about the objective thing of the product, it is the time for reviewer to write about what he thinks or impresses on the product. Of course this phase can be done after getting enough evaluation on the product. It is personal idea about the product. Frequently to support and strengthen his idea or impression, a reviewer describes a comparison to other similar product. He states in which side the product has additional value or honestly admitted that the product lacks value in certain side.

Summary: this phase is recommending conclusion for reader of the product. After clearly explanation, a reviewer will make a final comment whether the product is valuable or not for targeted buyer. This phase is the worth of the review for reader.

All about ohio sports


 It is time for men speak. If previous post is about kid and mother, this post is about men and their masculine stuff. Sport is always attracted us much. It shows power, strength, strategy, dedication and commitment.
This site features Ohio State player and recruit interviews of football, basketball and National Football League of America information completely with top pictures. It presents scores and improvement of player and game. This site is useful resource for sport affiliates; player, spectator, commentator, journalist, coach and others.
It also provides news area which a lot of up-to-date information about sport and things related to it. Beside that, it also gives forum area where visitors have opportunity in interact with others. They can discuss a hot news and topic. They can ask certain question while others give comment. If they maximally use these facilities, they will be strongly connected and appear as solid community on sport.


12 September 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Mr n mrs tolong buatin y karangan analytical exposition yg judul nya asiknya bermain internet beserta artinya ya pak,plz

saya yakin anda bisa membuat yang lebih baik.dengan melihat contoh tex dan struktur nya



12 September 2008
Bayu Prasetiyo
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Tolong berikan contoh-contoh \"Asking for certainty\". Kalau bisa sebanyak-banyaknya. Terima kasih.

Contoh “Asking for certainty”:


Demanding certainty

. What if we buy a new tape recorder?

. Will it be okay if we take a bus?

. How about this one? It’s cheaper than that   


. Would you mind if I sell this old mobile phone?

. Do you mind if I change the channel?

. Really?

. Are you sure?

. Is it confirmed?

. Do you?/Will you?/Can you?


Expressing certainty


. That sounds good/perfect.

. Okay. No problem.

. Fine. Go ahead.

. No, you can’t. I’m sorry.

. I’m afraid you can’t.

. I’m definitely sure.

. I’m absolutely certain.

. Sure, I’m certain.

. I’m positive.

. Without a doubt/No doubt about it.


Contoh dalam percakapan:


1. Rio      : Are you sure that Marry can be the

                 winner in English Speech Contest?

    Alex     : I’m positive (aku yakin). She used to

               live in America, her English is excellent


2. Ratih   : I’m going to see a play tomorrow.

                Will you come along?

   Lisa      : Hmm, I’m not sure, I have to prepare

                for the semester test.


3. Anis                    : Dad, do you mind if I um .

                              . .borrow your recorder?

    Mr. Rudy            : What for, dear?

    Anis                    : Well, I have to interview

                               someone.It’s for my school

                              project. So, will it be

                            okay,  Dad?

    Mr. Rudy            : Okay. No problem.

    Anis                    : Thanks, Dad.

    Mr. Rudy            : But, promise me to use it

                               well.  Take good care of it.

    Anis                    : I will. Thanks, Dad.

    Mr. Rudy            : Anytime.



12 September 2008
Matematika Kelas 9

Bagaimana menyelesaikan akar pangkat 3 tanpa menggunkan kalkulator? Terima kasih

Maacih atensinya Reason,ada banyak cara menentukan nilai akar pangkat 3 tanpa menggunakan kalkulator, diantaranya tehnik callandra.

Tapi untuk SMP biasanya terbatas pada bilangan -bilangan yang dapat ditarik akar pangkat tiga.

Misalnya akar pangkat tiga 512 adalah 8

              akar pangkat tiga 1331 adalah 11

j adi tidak usah terlalu resah ya. Tapi jika Reason mau main-main ke Taman pintar kita dapat bantu jelaskan panjang lebar...Ok?Met belajar dan salam manis

Murni Kusumawati, S.Pd

11 September 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tolong cariin text report 5

Dear Putri,

Putri you can find many examples of report texts on the books (Look Ahead, etc) or websites. thank you



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