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13 Februari 2008
Abu, SMA 2 Brebes
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Pak/bu, saya mu tanya.Gimana cara membedakan penggunaan judul geografis spt:

Toba lake atau Lake Toba, kerena saya sering membaca berbeda-beda. Kalo yang benar toba Lake kenapa di geogle earth lake Ontario atau Mount Everest, River tigris dsb.

Yang benar adalah LAKE TOBA, jadi untuk kata ini susunannya sama dengan bahasa Indonesia. Begitu juga dengan Mount Everest, Mount Merapi. Terimakasih

12 Februari 2008
T. Solehudin
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Assalamualaikum. bpk Ibu sekalian tolong berikan saya contoh kalimat - kalimat. notice, announcement, invitation yang sering banget kita temui dalam kehidupan sehari hari. thanks Before 

Contoh kalimat - kalimat notice, announcement, invitation yang sering banget kita temui dalam kehidupan sehari hari.

NOTICE: Swimming is Prohibited; Don't feed the

             Animal,  Keep off the grass; Turn left at

             anytime with care.


     Attention please!

The passengers of KL 801, please proceed to gate 5. Thank you. 


Invitation :

   To : Miss Aulia

    I'd like to invite you to my 17th birthday party,

    Day/ date    :  Sunday, 17th February 2008

    Time           :  7 pm

    Venue         :  Sentana Bistro, Kaliurang street 50


    Dress code   : Black and white.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you.







12 Februari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong dong diberi contoh text recount berjudul "indonesia red cross" makasihh......

The ICRC first established a presence in Indonesia in 1979.

The ICRC and the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) were among the first organizations to respond to the emergency caused by the tsunami in December 2004. However, the ICRC has now returned to more traditional activities related to conflict and post-conflict situations.

The armed conflict in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalem has had serious humanitarian consequences on the population, destroying livelihoods and local infrastructure related to health-care services, sanitation and water supplies. Following the signing in spring 2005 of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Indonesian Government and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), the ICRC has been assisting returnees and residents to start the recovery process. It is rehabilitating wells and latrines, helping to rebuild damaged homes, providing agricultural tools, seeds and fertilizers to farmers, supporting health care facilities and rebuilding transport infrastructures.

The ICRC continues to visit detainees held in connection with the conflict as well as to work to broaden the acceptance of international humanitarian law (IHL) among the armed forces, police and academic circles.



12 Februari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong ini diubah menjadi text recount. Apakah ini text recount ?? tolong dijawab segera

Mohon maaf dik, teksnya tidak kami temukan di file KBS. Mohon dikirim lagi,



12 Februari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

contoh cerita narrative dan recount yang terdapat orientation, evaluation, complication,

resolution, re-orientation.

berikan yang mana yang termasuk

orientation, evaluation, complication,resolution, re-orientation

Terimakasih atas pertanyaanya.

Perlu kami jelaskan bahwa teks Recount itu tidak sama dengan Narrative. Karena Didalam teks Narrative selalu diawali dengan ORIENTATION ( berisi tentang setting tempat, tokoh utama dan waktu dan tempat terjadinga) dan setelah itu harus ada KONFLIK ANTAR TOKOH  (COMPLICATION) yang disertai dengan pemecahan masalah ( RESOLUTION).

 Sementara didalam RECOUNT hanya terdiri dari :

ORIENTATION (siapa, kapan, dimana terjadinya) lalu diikuti dengan EVENT(S) yang berisi serentetan kejadian, tanpa ada konflik.

Perlu kami sampaikan juga bahwa: EVALUATION (  ini berisi tentang paparan yang bertujuan untuk membuat cerita lebih menarik) dan REORIENTATION (yang mana bisa berisi pesan moral dari cerita tsb) itu tidak wajib / tidak harus ada dalam teks Narrative.

Contoh teks bisa anda lihat sendiri di menu utama KBS ini. 


11 Februari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong kasih contoh hortatory text tentang sosial dan teknologi informasi

bls cpt .bwt tugas bsk

Mohon maaf, kami tidak melayani pembuatan tugas. Kami hanya membantu siswa apabila siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami materi, khususnya untuk mempersiapkan UAN SMP.

10 Februari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Saya dari SMP N 4,Yogyakarta dan saya ingin bertanya apakah bedanya teks report dengan teks recount.Tolong jelaskan secara rinci.

Terima Kasih

Thanks for the question.

Perhatiakan definisi masing2 teks berikut ini: 

Teks Report

Tujuan Komunikatif: Menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu, apa adanya, sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau analisis. Yang dideskripsikan dapat meliputi gajala alam, lingkungan, benda buatan manusia, atau gejala- gejala sosial. Deskripsi sebuah teks report dapat berupa simpulan umum misalnya tentang rumah sederhana dengan mendekripsikan ciri-ciri subyek tersebut sehingga layak dikategorikan rumah sederhana, dsb.

Generic Structure nya:

- General Classification

- Description

Ciri Kebahasaan: · general nouns, seperti ‘Reptiles in Comodo Insland’. · relating verbs untuk menjelaskan ciri, misalnya reptiles are scaly animals (ciri ini berlaku untuk semua reptilia). · action verbs dalam mejelaskan perilaku, misalnya lizards cannot fly. · present tense untuk menyatakan suatu yang umum, misalnya Komodo dragons usually weight more than 160 kg. · istilah teknis, misalnya water contains oxygen and hydrogen. · paragraf dengan topik sentence untuk menyusun sejumlah informasi.

Contoh Teks Report:


Plants are living beings. They need food, water and air for survival.

Plants derive their food from the earth and the air. If you look at their roots, you will find that ends of these roots are like fine fibers. We call them root-hairs. They absorb water and minerals, then transport them upwards to the leaves through the trunk and the branches. It is the leaves which prepare the food.

The green material, chlorophyll, prepares the food like a machine. It converts the carbon dioxide taken from the air and water from the ground into sugar with the help of sunlight. This chemical reaction is called photosynthes. In fact, the chlorophyll takes energy from the sunlight and uses it to synthesize the hydrogen from water and carbon from carbon dioxide for making sugar. This reaction also gives out oxygen and water which are excreted by the leaves.


Tujuan Komunikatif: Untuk menyampaikan serentetan peristiwa/ kejadian yang terjadi pada waktu lampau.

(The function of the text is to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining).


The generic structure of the text is: 

orientation, event (s), reorientation.


This text has language features such as: focus on individual participants, use of past tense, focus on a temporal sequence of events, etc.

Contoh Teks Recount:


Last Friday our school went to Centennial Park for a picnic

First our teachers marked the rolls and the we got on the buses. On the buses, everyone was chatting and eating. When we arrived at the park, some students played cricket, some played cards but others went for a walk with the teachers. At lunchtime, we sat together and had our picnic. Finally, at two o’clock we left for school.

We had a great day.


5 Februari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

generic strukturnya





Generic structure dari :

Narrative:  Orientation - Complication - Resolution

Recount : Orientation - Event(s) - Reorientation

Report : General Classification - Description(s) 

Descriptive : Identification - Description(s)

Procedure : Aim - Material(s) / Ingredients - Steps 


5 Februari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

wahai ibu bapak yg saya hormayi, tolong jelaskan untuk saya apa itu yg dimasukd dg teks fungsional pendek. terimakasih

Teks Fungsional Pendek adalah teks pendek yang bermakna. Misalnya: Notice, Memo, Label, Announcement, Card(s), Advertisement, Letter(s), Manual, dll.

Teks tsb biasa kita temui sehari-hari, baik di tempat umum maupun ditempat tempat khusus.

Untuk bisa mengidentifikasi macam-macam teks tersebut, kita harus membaca isi dan  kemudian mengenali kharateristiknya.

Contoh: Announcement




On 28th of August, the school will hold a school trip to Golden Sands Beach.

Departure time  : 07.30 a.m.

Programs                      : Morning swimming, games, volley ball: polo in the sea view restaurant, afternoon walk along the beach to the lagoon :

            watch the music festival at the beach.

            Fee                : Rp 50.000,00

            Contact person : Azmi, Misyka





 Contoh Notice:

  Security check; No parking area;

  Lock it or Lose it, dll.


3 Februari 2008
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong berikan contoh recount text



The function of the text is to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.


The generic structure of the text is orientation, event (s), reorientation.


This text has language features such as: focus on individual participants, use of past tense, focus on a temporal sequence of events, etc.



Last Friday our school went to Centennial Park for a picnic.

First our teachers marked the rolls and the we got on the buses. On the buses, everyone was chatting and eating. When we arrived at the park, some students played cricket, some played cards but others went for a walk with the teachers. At lunchtime, we sat together and had our picnic. Finally, at two o’clock we left for school.

We had a great day.



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