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4 Agustus 2009
Abib S.
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Bisakah anda memberikan contoh explanation text tentang sistem ekresi / excretion system... dan jelaskan perbedaan antara explanation dan report...


terima kasih..

silakan klik
Operator 5 Agustus 2009 0:0

4 Agustus 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

contoh "explanation text of fable"


terima kasih

silakan klik
Operator 5 Agustus 2009 0:0

4 Agustus 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

tolong buatin contoh text narrative, descriptive, recount.


semua ada di
Operator 5 Agustus 2009 0:0

3 Agustus 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Tolong buatkan contoh text explaination tetang sistem ekresi / excretion system... dan jelaskan perbedaan explaination, dengan procedure text..

 Sangat berterima kasih jika Anda dapat menjawab!!!

Wsalam. Silakan klik
Operator 5 Agustus 2009 0:0

2 Agustus 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

story of rabbit and bear itu seperti apa ya?

silakan klik
Operator 5 Agustus 2009 0:0

2 Agustus 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Tolong saya dibuatkan dialog tentang accepting a promise donk ,

makasih sebelumnya

Responses Expressing Promising

* Thank you.
* I keep your word.
* Thanks.
* I trust you.
* I believe you

Ungkapan diatas adalah untuk merespon promising 

selamat mencoba

Operator 5 Agustus 2009 0:0

3 Agustus 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

1. What is the narrative text?

2. What is the purpose of the text?


Tolong di jwb secepatnya y?! Please help me...Thx

silakan klik
Operator 4 Agustus 2009 0:0

3 Agustus 2009
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

text report tentang kangaroo



What is a Kangaroo?


        A kangaroo is an animal found only n Australia, although is has a small relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian  island in Tasmania and also in New Guinea.

        Kangaroo eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long and very strong back legs and tail. These are that they use for sitting up and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eights meters, and leap across fences more that three meters high. The can also run at speeds over 45 kilometers per hour.

        The largest kangaroos are the Great Gray Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adults grow length of 1.60 meter and weigh over 80 kilos.

        Kangaroos are marsupial. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into pouch where it spends its first five months of life.


Operator 4 Agustus 2009 0:0

3 Agustus 2009
asep rangga
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

bagaimana gimana contoh paragraf report tentang penguin??


For many years, many people believed that the cleverest animals after man were the chimpanzees. Now, however, there is proof that dolphins may be even cleverer than these big apes.

Although a dolphin lives in the sea it is not a fish. It is a mammal. It is in many ways, therefore, like a human being.

Dolphins have a simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It may be possible for man to learn how to talk to dolphins. But this will not be easy because dolphins cannot hear the kind of sounds man can make. If man wants to talk to dolphins, therefore, he will have to make a third language which both he and the dolphins can understand.

Dolphins are also very friendly toward man. They often follow ships. There are many stories about dolphins guiding ships through difficult and dangerous water.

Operator 3 Agustus 2009 0:0

3 Agustus 2009
Rahma Winahyu Jannata
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Minta tolong kasih contoh explanation text tentang ekresi . . . . .

Maaf. pertanyaan anda adalah materi SMA kelas XI. Karena KBS ini juga melayani untuk level SMA. maka silakan kirim pertanyaan anda ke KBS B.Inggris SMA. Terimakasih.
Operator 3 Agustus 2009 0:0


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