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31 Oktober 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

tolong buatkan kalimat elliptical sentence :

a. lima kalimat positif

b. lima kalimat negatif

c. lima kalimat positif nrgatif


tolong buatkan dengan cepat yaaa......

Terima kasih atas pertanyaannya untuk contoh-contoh kalimat tersebut sebaiknya anda coba dulu membuat dan konsultasikan kepada kami. Selamat berlatih.




M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd 1 November 2010 0:0

31 Oktober 2010
nomi kusuma wardana
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

What is the pupose of narrative text? and give reason.


Untuk jawaban dari pertanyaan yang anda tanyakan silakan anada cari pada situs ini pada bagaian narrative text>


Terima kasih dan selamat mencari.

M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd 1 November 2010 0:0

31 Oktober 2010
Kevin Lionery
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Contoh kalimat pertanyaan moment of speaking gmn y? Caranya jg gmn?

Terima kasih atas pertanyaannya namun demikian sebaiknya pertanyaan anda diperjelas khususnya tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan moment of speaking. Terima kasih.
M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd 1 November 2010 0:0

30 Oktober 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

Tlng beri contoh descriptive text short.Mohon sgr dibls y krn ini tugas. Trm Ksh

Terima kasih atas pertanyaannya. Untuk teks descriptive pendek silakan anda cari pada situs ini. buka saja contoh-contoh teks. Terima kasih.


Selamat mencoba.

M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd 1 November 2010 0:0

30 Oktober 2010
ayu dwi diniarti
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

aku mw minta contoh dialog tentang asking opinion, giving opinion, asking item, giving item... donnkkk..???

sebelumnya trimakasihh...!!!

Terima Kasih atas pertanyaannya.

Here's the example :

Anita : What do you think of this book ? ( asking opinion )

Toto  : That's a good book and it's best seller. What's up ? ( giving opinion )

Anita : I will buy it for my aunty's birthday.

Toto  : Good. 

Anita : Will you take that one for me ? ( asking item )

Toto  : You mean this ?

Anita : Yes, it is.

Toto  : Here you are. ( giving item )

Anita : Thank you.

Toto  : Don't mention it.

Semoga bermanfaat.

M.A.S Anggororini, S.Pd 1 November 2010 0:0

30 Oktober 2010
I\'anah Mubarakah
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

Saya kesulitan menemukan teks bacaan yang sebagian besar memuat tentang ADJECTIVE CLAUSE (jarang sekali teks bacaan yang menggunakan kata2 seperti WHO, WHOM, WHOSE, WHICH, WHERE, WHEN di dalamnya). Kalau pun ada, hanya ada 1 atau 2 kata yang masih berkaitan dengan ADJECTIVE CLAUSE. Bolehkah saya meminta contoh2 teks bacaan yang banyak memuat kata2 yang berhubungan dengan ADJECTIVE CLAUSE TERSEBUT?

Sebelum & sesudahnya, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

ini saya ada contoh text nya:


Some times ago in a meeting with the OPEC members, the president felt very
embarrassed because Indonesia, our beloved country, is the third most corrupt country in the orld. The fact has made the president decide that wiping out corruption must be the first riority I his program. The president himself leads the movement. He instructed his staffs to truggle hard against corruption
People believe that there are effort is successful. This is because many members of
the House of Representative in the district level were arrested. Many6 bank directors were in ail. Some government staffs were also arrested. They were proved to corrupt money in their nstitutions.
However, I believe that there are many other people who have corrupted money, but
they haven’t been arrested and processed. This was because they were so ‘clever’ in hiding he evidence of their corruption that the law in our country cannot put them in jail. In this ase, there must be some kinds of mechanism to uncover the corruption cases.
I also believe that there are still some kinds of “protection” to certain people, so that
they seemed like the ‘untouchable man’. Besides that, the existence of many ‘old men’ in very institution made the struggle against corruption felt harder. The ‘old men’ have been  ccustomed to corruption actions. It is also possible that some of them have also corrupted in he past time, so when they are urged to fight against corruption, they feel it hard, and of ourse, uncomfortable.
If these kinds of people are still found in every part of the country’s life, how can we
fight against corruption effectively? However, we must not underestimate what the
government has done to fight against corruption. The effort has been much better and harder han that of the previous time.

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 30 Oktober 2010 0:0

30 Oktober 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

bu/pak saya ingin tau tentang adverb. minta tolong beri contoh saya 5 soal erorr recognition tentang adverb beserta jawabannya.. trimakasih




An adverb is a word that tells us more about a verb. An adverb "qualifies" or "modifies" a verb (The man ran quickly). But adverbs can also modify adjectives (Tara is really beautiful), or even other adverbs (It works very well).

Many different kinds of word are called adverbs. We can usually recognise an adverb by its:

  1. Function (Job)
  2. Form
  3. Position

1. Function

The principal job of an adverb is to modify (give more information about) verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. In the following examples, the adverb is in bold and the word that it modifies is in italics.

  • Modify a verb:
    - John speaks loudly. (How does John speak?)
    - Mary lives locally. (Where does Mary live?)
    - She never smokes. (When does she smoke?)
  • Modify an adjective:
    - He is really handsome.
  • Modify another adverb:
    - She drives incredibly slowly.

But adverbs have other functions, too. They can:

  • Modify a whole sentence:
    - Obviously, I can't know everything.
  • Modify a prepositional phrase:
    - It's immediately inside the door.

2. Form

Many adverbs end in -ly. We form such adverbs by adding -ly to the adjective. Here are some examples:

  • quickly, softly, strongly, honestly, interestingly

But not all words that end in -ly are adverbs. "Friendly", for example, is an adjective.

Some adverbs have no particular form, for example:

  • well, fast, very, never, always, often, still

3. Position

Adverbs have three main positions in the sentence:

  • Front (before the subject):
    - Now we will study adverbs.
  • Middle (between the subject and the main verb):
    - We often study adverbs.
  • End (after the verb or object):
    - We study adverbs carefully

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 30 Oktober 2010 0:0

29 Oktober 2010
ega vchan
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

bu mksdnya 'would' merupakan bentuk lampau dari 'will' yang penggunaanya diikuti bentukinfinitive ???????????

bntuk infinitive ithuw apa bu ,.?

bisa mmbuat'kan soal tntang would do n' wouldn't (5 saja)  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,??????????

trmksih sblm'nya ,,

would adalah bentuk lampau dari will.

ada juga would yang berfungsi untuk meperhalus kata will .

baik will atau would sama - saa diikuti infinitive atau juga disebut verb 1.

untuk soalnya lihat engkap di:

Tri Raharjo, S.Pd 29 Oktober 2010 0:0

28 Oktober 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Excuse me...

mnta tolong dibuatkan contoh dialog tentang couristy Thankz sebelumnya

 Kikieo, saya beri contoh percakapan dengan ungkapan curiousity. Tetapi Kikieo lengkapi dulu ya...


Complete the dialogue with the expressions in below.

Is snoring harmful Mrs. Dian?
What do you mean by a deviated septum?
Mrs. Dian, may I ask you some questions?
Do you know what causes people to snore?

Rina: …..(1)
Mrs. Dian: What is it, dear?
Rina: It’s about my dad. Lately he has been snoring in his sleep. I can hear his snoring from my room. It is pretty loud. …..(2).
Mrs. Dian: Many things, Rina. People snore because they have allergies, catch a cold, or probably have a sinus infection. Also, if a person is overweight or drinks alcohol, they are most likely to snore in their sleep.
Rina: Well, my dad is not overweight and he doesn’t drink.
Mrs. Dian: Ha..ha..ha.. I do not say he drinks or being overweight. I was just telling you some of the reasons why people snore, Rina.
Rina: ….. (3)
Mrs. Dian: No, but only if the reasons are what I have mentioned before. It can be easily cured. But, I know there are people who have surgeries since they have a very deviated septum. It is not only to make them stop snoring but also to help them to breathe better.
Rina: ….. (4).
Mrs. Dian: It is a condition where the tissue and cartilage that separates the two nostrils in a person’s nose is crooked.
Rina: Oh, well. I should tell my dad to visit his doctor.
Mrs. Dian: You definitely should. Snoring is more a symptom than the actual diseases. Give my regards to your father, Rina. I hope he will feel better, soon.
Rina: Thank you, Mrs. Dian. Have a good day!


Wirastuti S.Pd M.Acc 28 Oktober 2010 0:0

28 Oktober 2010
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

tolong buatin teks report tentang countries of world,.,.yang banyak teksnya ya,..,beserta artinya,.,.TOLONGG

Bonna, saya beri 4 contoh teks report. Dari contoh tersebut, Bonna bisa tahu bagaimana membuat teks report tentang countries of world.


Do you know what is the largest lizard? This lizard is called komodo. It lives in the scrub and woodland of a few Indonesian islands.

Komodo dragon is the world's heaviest lizard, weighing 150 pounds or more. The largest Komodo ever measured was more than 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg) but the average size of komodo in the wild is about 8 feet (2.5 meters) long and 200 pounds (91 kg)

Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs and a muscular tail. They use their keen sense of smell to locate decaying animal remains from several miles away. They also hunt other lizards as well as large mammals and are sometimes cannibalistic.

The Komodo dragon's teeth are almost completely covered by its gums. When it feeds, the gums bleed, creating an ideal culture for virulent bacteria. The bacteria that live in the Komodo dragon's saliva causes septicemia, or blood poisoning, in its victims. A dragon will bite its prey, then follow it until the animal is too weak to carry on.

This lizard species is threatened by hunting, loss of prey species and habitat loss.


 The Tasmanian Devil

The Tasmanian devil is a marsupial – an animal that feeds and carries its young in a pouch. It lives only in Tasmania and was called a devil by the early European settlers because of its fierce appearance and loud screeching.
The devil is the same size as a small dog. It has a large head, a stocky body and a short, thick tail. While the fur is mostly black, there are often white markings on the back and chest. Because the devil is a nocturnal animal (it is active at night), it spends the days in the dense bush and hunts for food after dark.
While it can catch prey the size of a small wallaby the devil often feeds on the bodies of dead sheep and cows from farms. Its very powerful jaws and teeth enable it to eat bones and fur as well as the meat. Farmers are pleased that devils stop the spread of disease by removing the rotting bodies of dead animals. Groups of devils eat together from the same carcass – body of a dead animal – and they are such noisy eaters that they can be heard for several kilometers.
Devils breed in March and the young are born in April. While more are born, only two or three babies survive to live in their mother’s pouch for four months. They move with their mother into a whole or a hollow log until they are ready to live on their own in the bush at the end of December. Devils live until they are seven or eight years old.
Recently adult devils have been affected by cancer. This begins with lumps around the mouth and spreads to the face and neck. Scientists are studying the cancers so they can find out the cause and save the devil population in Tasmania.




Gold is a precious metal. Gold is used as ornaments or as money.

Gold is found in many places, but in a small supply. It is often found on the surface of the earth. Since gold is a heavy substance, it is sometimes found loose on the bottom of rivers. The gold is found together with sand and rocks, and must be separated from them. It is simple to search for this type of gold.

It is not usually necessary to drill for gold, but when a layer of gold is located deep below the surface of the earth, it is possible to drill a hole into the ground. Engineers have developed modern process for removing gold from rocks.

Since gold is not very hard, it is sometimes melted and added to other substances for making rings, coins, and art objects. It will be priced forever because it is beautiful, rare, and useful.




Sea Horse

Many people imagine the sea-horse to be real horse living in the sea. This is not true at all. The sea-horse is so called because it is a tiny creature with a horse – liked head which lives in the sea.

Sea – horse are found mostly in warm seas. They have a long, flexible tail which is used for wrapping around weeds for support. They swim I upright position, their movements being helped by a rapidly oscillating fin on their back. The male sea – horse lays her eggs in this pouch.

The most remarkable thing about the sea – horse is that part of the process of reproduction is taken over by the male creature. One the female sea – horse has laid her eggs in the male creature’s pouch, she leaves. The hatching of the egg is done by the male fish.

Mating begins with the male and the female sea – horses doing courtship dance. The male and female creatures swim around each other in circles. At the end of the dance, the male appears to bow to its partner; but in actually, the male is banding to pump water from his pouch. Next, the female fish lays eggs into the male’s pouch. About two hundred eggs are laid. The pouch, then close up. The female sea-horse now swims away, leaving the male sea-horse to do hatching.

The eggs are hatched about a month later. The young sea-horses are ejected from the male creature’s pouch by means of muscular contractions.

The sea – horse feeds on tiny fish the creatures sucking them into its month.





Wirastuti S.Pd M.Acc 28 Oktober 2010 0:0


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